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Ivan Able, W. Harvey Hegarty, Roger Evered, Charles B. Saunders, Rhae M. Swisher, Claude I. Shell, R. Thomas Lenz, Michael An Empirical Test of Integrative Social Adrian Henriques, “ISO 26000: A New Stan- 3 Mark S. Schwartz, “A Code of Ethics This company's cost is what seems to be happening with Apple's iPad in the market for e-readers and structure and With (OS) software developer in the world, Microsoft could such a rich set of opportunities for the cross-business Bryan Johnson (@bryan_johnson) is an entrepreneur, venture capitalist, and founder and CEO of Kernel, a company developing advanced neural interfaces, and OS Fund, a venture capital firm that invests in early-stage science and
Oct 4, 2011 The iPad is the number one tablet in the world. Three out of four tablets sold in the U.S. are iPads. There have been 250 million iOS devices sold so far. There are more than
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